HDSB PA Day Agendas
On Professional Activity (PA) days, staff engage in professional development. Our school, along with all schools in the Halton District School Board (HDSB) have several Professional Activity (PA) Days throughout the school year. The purpose of these days is to enhance student success. Staff focus on professional development activities, participate in training or planning sessions. There are no classes for students on these days.
To learn about what schools across the HDSB are focusing on during each PA Day, visit HDSB PA Days 2024-2025
PA Day Agendas
2024-2025 School Year
2024-2025 School Year
For a detailed description of what our school will be focusing on please see the following information.
Friday, February 14, 2025 - School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA)
Full instructional day of learning, 8:00am - 2:35pm
Small group instruction
Department and course based discussions to enhance and support the application and implementation of student achievement, engagement and wellbeing SIPSA goals
School Administrators
Department Heads
Learning Materials:
Asset based assessment resources
Curriculum Documents
Ministry and board created resources to support multilingual language learners
Ministry and board created resources to support various learning exceptionalities
Additional information: N/A
Friday, January 31, 2025 - School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA)
Full instructional day of learning, 8:00am - 2:35pm
Small group instruction - Data and case study review to gauge and deepen staff capacity to implement SIPSA goals
Department based discussion - Department application and implementation of SIPSA goals
School Administrators
Department Heads
Learning Materials:
School Data and Board Data - Achievement, engagement and student voice
Curriculum Documents
Additional information: N/A
Friday, November 29, 2024 - Secondary School Programs - Shifting Teacher Practice - Focus: Disproportionate outcomes
Full Instructional Day of learning 8:00am - 2:35pm
Regional locations depending on teaching subject area
Large Group Instruction (am) - Analyzing Disproportionate Outcomes
Subject based discussion - Various Topics (pm) - Supporting Success for all
Learning Materials:
School Data and Board Data - Achievement and Student Voice
Curriculum Documents
Asset based assessment resources
Additional information: These sessions are regional. Teachers will be at Craig Kielburger, Elise McGill or Milton District depending on teacher area
Friday, October 11, 2024, Sept. 3, 2024 - Asset Based Evaluation - HDSB Priorities
Full Instructional Day of learning 8:00am - 2:35pm
Small group instruction - Supporting Multi-Lingual Learners
Department based discussion - Developing asset based evaluations
School Administration
Department Heads
Lead Teachers
Learning Materials:
Data Wall - Government policies, and student data
Annual Learning Plan resources
Asset based assessment resources
Curriculum Documents
Additional information: N/A