CKSS Special Education: Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities Explained

Learning Disabilities (LDs) are specific neurological disorders that affect the way a person stores, understands, retrieves and/or communicates information. People with learning disabilities are intelligent and have abilities to learn despite difficulties in processing information and a pattern of uneven abilities.

  • LDs are invisible and lifelong.

  • LDs can occur with other disorders (ADHD, etc) and may run in families.

  • LDs are NOT the same as mental retardation, autism, deafness, blindness, behavioral disorders or laziness.

  • LDs are not the result of economic disadvantage, environmental factors or cultural differences.

  • Living with a learning disability can have an ongoing impact on friendships, school, work, self-esteem and daily life.

  • People with LDs can succeed when solid coping skills and strategies are developed.

(Source: Learning Disabilities Association of Canada)